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Whats the life span of your aquascape?

Hi All,my current setup has been running for nearly two years,i have a mix of low and high light plants and i do tend to favour the long term setup,i have two new tanks waiting to be setup,one 60cm opti-white which will be for shortish term setups,and i have just bought a dennerle 30ltr nano which i wil be scaping for shrimp and microrasboras,regards john.
SuperColey1 said:
Mine are aimed to be long term and I wouldn't call them scapes. Attempts prior to Celestial Glade were really trials of plant growing whereas I was very happy with Celestial Glade which lasted about 9 months and would still be here if I didn't need the money. (hence the huge fern sale 🙂 )

I reckon anything with a name should be called a 'scape!

My first scape lasted 8 years, so I reckon I'm a long hauler :lol:

They never really finish though do they? The damn plants keep on growing and mucking up your ideas, so you constantly have to fiddle with them to keep them in line. I change things around as well, get bored of one plant so pull it out and try another or move them somewhere else. Hardscape remains the same though. I'd do more rescapes but just don't have enough time.