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What would you do with a spare tank?

I would convince the missus that I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. Then stock it with fish and then say. Look I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. 😀
FishBeast said:
I would convince the missus that I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. Then stock it with fish and then say. Look I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. 😀


emersed setups are the flavour of the month for me. So I would do that with a spare tank 🙂
FishBeast said:
I would convince the missus that I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. Then stock it with fish and then say. Look I need another tank for hospitalisation purposes. 😀
That's what I did. I've now got 3 tanks. (Only 1 high tech though) :lol: :lol: :lol:
