I do it on demand; until recently once every 2 or 3 months. The past 2 months; once every 2 or 3 weeks. I do water changes reliably once a week. The aquarium has been set up for 18 months.How often do you clean/scape the inside glass of your aquarium? Cleaning/scraping right before a water change will help keep the algae at bay.
I have settled on doing my tanks' glass every other week. I find, for me, that interval keeps the glass looking clear and I think that waiting longer than this interval allows the algae to get started and for spores to be floating around your aquarium. I don't need to see algae before I clean glass.I do it on demand; until recently once every 2 or 3 months. The past 2 months; once every 2 or 3 weeks. I do water changes reliably once a week. The aquarium has been set up for 18 months.
Hi @anewbie Buy this NilocG Monopotassium Phosphate. 1 lbs is $5 +Tax + Shipping. When you do your next 50% WC in your 40 US gallon tank (which is 20 US Gallon) you add 1 gram (1000 mg) which is a quarter (1/4th) of a US Teaspoon. With consecutive 50% water changes It will slowly build up your tank to about 9ppm of PO4 minus the plant uptake. That's it - plenty of PO4. Nothing to worry about with regards to Phosphate... and you can take that out of the equation. If in doubt you can always invoke the almightly @Zeus. He is the Fertilizer Meister around here, and will strike down with all his might and tell you exactly the dosing you need 🙂So I would need around 1810 mg per 40 gallon. Seems like a lot. How do you get your phosphate? I could use sachem potassium but that isn't phosphate ?
There is a greater than 90% chance that the cause is poor CO2 at that location.
Actually the tank has fairly high flow; more so than my other aquariums. The back has a large jet stream (run via air) on the matten filter; the front has 2 small submersed pumps one on either side. You can see one of the pumps in the 2nd picture; the jetstream and back current is hidden by the plants but the surface agitation is high. There are a few dead spots on the middle side where the young guppies hang out but those areas are not algae problematic.@anewbie what fertiliser are you using ATM ? or what DIY mix yields are you dosing?
Which could be flow/tank turnover related, Flow is King of the CO2 injected tank and CO2 issues are often resolved by addressing better flow first, your tank from the pics does seem to have a low surface agitation. What's the output of your filter and any power heads?
When was the last time you cleaned your filter and what media do you have in it ? . In my 500l tank I use to clean the filter media weekly and it always needed it ( I was using the filter as a detritus trap when weekly turkey blasting the carpet)
I dose thrive+ once a week 4 pumps.@anewbie what fertiliser are you using ATM ? or what DIY mix yields are you dosing?
SoI dose thrive+ once a week 4 pumps.
I'm not sure how to quantify the actual flow of the back jetstream. If you look at the back right corner you will see a matten filter; the primary flow comes from that jetstream which is air driven. In the picture the edge of the matten filter sponge is visible at the very top of the back right corner. The two pumps on the side are small (80gph) and turned down a bit so it doesnt' blow the kubotai around - i would guess each is running around 40 gph; but the actual stream from them is narrow and does not extend to the bottom of the aquarium. I thought about trying t make a spray bar out of some air tubing but i don't think it would work well. I do have a pair of wave makers and originally i put one on the side midway down but at 250gph it was too strong.You mention something about an air stream and now I see two pumps facing each other.
Can you explain a bit more about the flow and flow rate?
Well the suggestion that i 'get rid of that thing in the back'; suggest you are not familiar with matten filters; so that will have to remain. I could move one of the pumps to the other side and lower it but is this a good idea?Well generally speaking we would not recommend setting up opposing power heads but offer all of the flow in one direction.
I think you could improve the flow pattern considerably by moving both the power heads to one side and not having whatever you have at the back.