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What snails??


13 Jun 2022
Canterbury Kent
Hi all,
So im looking at adding a few snails to my fluval flex 34l, being such a small tank what would you recommend??
Never kept snails really apart from the odd nerite here and there however would like to try something different.

Many thanks
Thanks for the ideas all,
I think i like the idea of ramshorns what would you say for a starting amount of ramshorns in a fairly new tank?
34 litres
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I second the tadpole snails and would add Planorbis arnoldi - miniture ramshorns as an option, would be great for scale in a tank that size. You could fit a lot in with no issues and they won't look like monsters in comparison to shrimp/fish.

... and some people consider them pests so not expensive 🙂