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What should I be dosing?

I realized that a lot of my problems as a fish keeper in my earlier incarnation was because I'd failed to maintain water quality. This time it has been a lot better (certainly for the fish).

Hi Darrel,
This kind of goes along with an old saying that's long been around in fish keeping. I remember an old guy telling me 30 years ago ( could be 40 yrs😱) " You don't need to look after the fish, look after the water lad" Said in a broad Yorkshire accent it sounded like good advice and stuck with me over the years.
Ive got my hands on a copy of Walstads book so hope to educate myself over the next few days 🙂

Ive also looked at a few science papers about the impact of elevated CO2 on bacteria and cant quite figure it out! There is one about marine bacteria which suggests that elevated CO2 makes the Bacteria more prolific, whereas there are a lot of studies about how CO2 inhibits bacterial growth (in dry conditions though) dpnt know where that leaves the fresh water side of things.

I am thinking of trying a walstad method on my little tank once the fauna have moved into the big one. Has anyone tried it with just window light?