The worms are a few cms long, very thin and white. They came out of nowhere, a couple of weeks after setup. the white specks are daphnia, to give you a size comparison. Are they safe for fish to eat?
BTW it is possible to culture daphnia in a 4 litre container with no aeration or mechanical filtration. There is some frogbit in there. I used to feed yeast but it was too gunky and have now switched to powdered algae which I mix up with water and pour in, or I just stir in if I am feeling lazy. The population rises and falls but is constant enough for my bettas and vase guppies to have a weekly treat.
BTW it is possible to culture daphnia in a 4 litre container with no aeration or mechanical filtration. There is some frogbit in there. I used to feed yeast but it was too gunky and have now switched to powdered algae which I mix up with water and pour in, or I just stir in if I am feeling lazy. The population rises and falls but is constant enough for my bettas and vase guppies to have a weekly treat.