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What is Crypto 'Silver Queen'?

Zak Rafik

11 Aug 2014
Hi all
I saw this at a LFS today. It's labeled as Crypto 'Silver Queen'. Tried to find details on the net but very limited info.

Has any member come across this or grown this in their tank. What are requirements for this plant? The leaves have this "peacock feather" kind of silvery / metallic shimmer! But also expensive for a small plant.


Can't say I've grown it............but I can say, it's most likely some cross betwen species. There's a lot of such on the market. Since parentage is usually not public and growing experiences limited, it's really a matter of "Try & Error".
it's really a matter of "Try & Error"

I found this link to a blog but its from Japan.

The photos on the blog don't do justice to the actual colour on the specimens I saw at the LFS, it was that awesome.

I'm very keen to have a couple in my tank but since there is no beforehand information on the due care, I dare not waste money on this. Since its a new entry, it naturally commands a premium.

Yes it's a relatively new one and yet another I probably won't be able to get my hands on :arghh: most crypts seem to enjoy the same conditions.
I'm growing a couple of the more unusual species (over here anyway) and treating them the same as all my other crypts,except for a bit more flow,and they are thriving 🙂
The only thing with a lot of the new varieties is that they tend to be grown emersed so sometimes the colours may change slightly once they make the transition to submerged.