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What I am doing right?


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
For the past month I have been pretty busy with work, so the tanks are slightly neglected, yet, I have no algae, apart from some green spot on the glass.

No water changes, the CO2 has stopped for a week or so, no ferts, feeding the fish every two days, and lights at the same level as before. Yep, no algae. No plants melting, no fish dying...

Maybe tanks are more stable than we think, and we overplay what happens when we neglect a tank..
ghostsword said:
For the past month I have been pretty busy with work, so the tanks are slightly neglected, yet, I have no algae, apart from some green spot on the glass.

No water changes, the CO2 has stopped for a week or so, no ferts, feeding the fish every two days, and lights at the same level as before. Yep, no algae. No plants melting, no fish dying...

Maybe tanks are more stable than we think, and we overplay what happens when we neglect a tank..
Maybe...but give it time.
CEC in substrates can provide for a shortfall of ferts, and depends on the plant species as to the impact of c02 issues. No c02 and no water changes = no fluctuations in c02 so this type of algae may not show. Noticed the c02 has only been out for 1 week of the month of no maintenance so maybe the plants havnt had their reaction yet? Also what light are you running, high or low? Whats the plant mass like, if its large due to no maintenance (trimming) maybe the plants are effectively shading the water column?
Admittedly youd expect to see plant deterioration from high tech to effectively low tech, so will be interesting to find out if anything does change, although i suspect it will if were to believe everything were reading!
The fish wont be effected until there is a deterioration of plant mass as the filter will still be coping and the plants utilising their wastes, if things start to go downhill with the plants then the fish will suffer without intervention as the filter will become less able to cope with the demand put upon it.
I have resumed high tech, but there was a large amount of plants taken out, leaving crypts, moss, hydrocotyles and java ferns. All low tech plants, but with the high light I would have expected to see at least a run on hair algae.

I am happy that all is well, do not get me wrong, but would like to understand what is making the plants hold on. Ferts should not be an issue, with EI there is always too much on the water, but low CO2 should have marked a change.
ghostsword said:
Ibut low CO2 should have marked a change.
yeah i would have thought so, especially with crypts, mine have melted before due to fluctuating/low c02......your tank seems an exception to the rule, but like you say no complaints. Mind you, thinking about it, Troi experienced similar success with the shallow tank he took on loan from George, he had a lean spell with no dosing or c02 supplement and the tank was fine, short term at least.