Great thread Martin
ive always kept fish since my early teens, always loved the look of lush planted tanks, but after a few 'fishkeeping' tanks, and to cut a slightly longer story short, ended up with a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank housing a single 22" black shark. Then met my now wife and set up (a small) home, so the 6ft had to go, but i still loved having a tank so ended up with this in 2006, BBA and plastic plants.....
to this rio180 in 2008 after moving to a slightly bigger home, BBA and real plants
🙄 :

somebody must have told me about c02 here, i didnt understand it, or the correct application and swiftly gave up on that idea as i didnt understand its importance. The tetratec system i was using was clearly insufficient and unreliable so still had BBA but at least i had moved on to real plants again. Still had warm cats too
to this in early 2011:

still believed, like many, that my root problem was insufficient light, so added another 2x t5 ho lights to the existing 2x t8 Juwel lighting
😱 ......i also got rid of the c02

There didnt seem to be much good planted tank advice out there in most LFS, its all light and test kits. This photo flatters slightly the tank as this was taken not long after redoing, clearly they are mostly new plants in pot sized bunches
😳 they didnt last long before deterioration and BBA, i had too much light here and no c02. I was getting a little dispondent now, and disinterested..... fortunately it wasnt long after this (mid 2011) when i found UKAPS, i think from an article in PFK...... I was amazed by the resource and information available on one site, i was hooked and determined to have something better long term...repeat buying plants is costly! Seeing the number of quality journals in particular inspired me to want to understand how to do it, so after reading a lot i decided to take the plunge and have a go at a proper planted aquascape.
to this, in 2012:

no algae and mostly happy plants
Id found somewhere with members willing and able to offer quality advice, a resource for all things aquatic plant related, it gave me the tools to help prevent issues and also the advice needed to fix problems.
Onwards and upwards and still learning

Thank you ukaps!