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What forums are you on?

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I'm registered on a bunch of forums, most of which have been mentioned here but I'm only active in two: MAC and UKAPS. I sometimes go to APC, TPT and ASW to look at nice piccies 🙂
I am registered in about 15 forums, but mainly active on UKAPS and LFKC. Also on aquariofilia.net (my first fish forum,portuguese) and aquascapingforum.net (started by FAOO,portuguese).
clonitza said:
Trying to find these days a good aquascaping french forum, if any, to exercise my language skills, so if you have any ideas please tell me. 🙂
This one is the best French forum for planted tanks 😉
im registered on here , aquascapingworld,plantedtank,barrreport,tff,cichlidforums ,africancichlidforum and a few others i dodnt use any more .

mainly tho i use ukaps , tff and aquascapingworld.
Planted Tank, Aquascaping World, Practical Fish Keeping, Monster fish keepers, Dendroboard, Dendroworld, RFUK, Ultimate Reef.

Either as Morgan Freeman or Paul G.
ghostsword said:
Would like to join a shrimp forum, just need to research it further.
Shrimpnow is probably your best bet 😉