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What do you feed your fish ?


New Member
25 Oct 2020
Hi ,
What do you guys feed your fish with?
I am considering what to feed the fish with in a planted aquarium that doesn't create much nitrates and phosphates. Is frozen food the way to go ? pellets, flakes or perhaps a mixture?
Whats your experiences and preferences on feeding your fish in a planted tank?

My Stock:
2x Gourami
12 Neon tetras
8x Harlequin Rasboras
that doesn't create much nitrates and phosphates.
Where is this coming from?
Nitrates and phosphates from fishfood is not a concern. They're plant nutrients and we keep plants 🙂

Buy a good quality fishfood suitable to the natural diet of your species. Avoid fishfoods that are mostly filler like grains and other things fish would not normally eat.
I personally like a lot of the food from TA Aquaculture, my fish go crazy for it. The website looks uhhh retro, but the food is good.
Otherwise just look at the back of the box, the ingredients listed first are the ones the food contains the most of.
As above, don't worry about how much nitrate and phosphate is being added with your food. Overfeeding can cause issues but in a planted tank it won't be those nutrients.

I feed daily live Walter worms, live brine, various flake and pellets as well as various shrimp foods.
Hi @VanEternal , For my fish its frozen mosquito larvae, frozen daphnia, bug bites and flake food. Shrimps: algae wafers, protein pellets, mineral pellets and thinly sliced cucumbers and lettuce.

In the spring and summer I do live versions of the frozen food... I wish I could do more live food, but its hard around here due to the arctic winter. I did experiment with cultivating my own stock of daphnia, but I never really got them to multiply at a rate that made it sustainable. I will it try again in the spring.

Of course, you don't want to overfeed and if you do regular water changes and maintenance to get rid of any excess buildup that the plants may not be able to keep up with there is generally no reason to worry about food waste. You can also cut down a lot on food waste with the way you feed... Unless I am in a hurry - I try not to be when I am feeding - I divvy the portions up in tiny amounts so as little as possible goes to waste... It also makes feeding time more enjoyable 🙂

Overall, when feeding fish I recommend a varied diet.
Usually flakes would be a staple, however you should add some frozen or live foods in their diets (do not always feed these as they are low on nutrients, however you can soak them in nutrients for the picky eaters).
Depending on the species, I would recommend to give them a little veg.
Really, what I have to say is to not overfeed.
Nitrates and phosphates from fishfood is not a concern.
Hi @Hufsa

My experience is different. Not so much of a problem with nitrate but phosphate can be an issue. A lot of fish food contains a significant proportion of fish meal. And fish meal includes ground fish bones which, in turn, are a source of phosphate. Even in a planted tank, I choose to keep an eye on phosphate in the water column. No two tanks are the same.
