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What did you get for xmas? (fish related or other)

I got the regulator, drop checker etc needed to go pressurised CO2. FE and inline diffuser are on their way so won't be long before I can set it up!! 😀 I also got blue leds for my 450 and an overhead light unit with 2 white, 1 blue for a small 2ft tank I'm setting up for shrimp - yellow cherries or blue pearls. Non-fish related: a couple of books, chocolate brazils, a widget for tightening butterfly screws, cross-stitch threads for a Dali chart hubby has made me and a dragon pen holder.

I think thats it 🙂 Hope everyone had a great day!

i got a fluval edge 23 litre tank and a fluval 106 filter.
Gill said:
I also got 2 pairs of Shoes and 4 Pairs of Trainers from my Little Brothers.
And buying new Fish this week.
That's a lot of shoes! 😱
Full CO2 set:

6kg cylinder
up regulator & solenoid
digital timer
CO2 tubing
glass check valve
fluval bubble counter
glass gush diffuser
glass drop checker
EI fert kit
bromo 4dkh water

(total £138)

& .....pearling! aint it cool!!