Looks like a damselfly nymph, what species I wouldn't have a clue. They often come in on freshly imported plants but if you've had no new plants it's interesting.
Definitely is.Looks like a damselfly nymph
<"You definitely do">.Not even sure we HAVE damselflies here in Brazil!
"With more than 300 species distributed among ten families, Brazil contains one of the most species-rich damselfly assemblages in the world" 😱 facepalmYou definitely do
Omigod.....I am definitely slow on the uptake today. I thought you both were talking about mayflies and all I could picture was the mayfly infestations on the Danube in Hungary!Looks like a damselfly nymph, what species I wouldn't have a clue. They often come in on freshly imported plants but if you've had no new plants it's interesting.