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What could this beastie be?


3 Nov 2020
São Paulo Brazil
In a small tank that is cycling (with only a few plants borrowed from my larger aquarium). I only deliberately put in a pest snail - this little fella just appeared. Any ideas what it could be? Just curious really.

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Looks like a damselfly nymph, what species I wouldn't have a clue. They often come in on freshly imported plants but if you've had no new plants it's interesting.

Not even sure we HAVE damselflies here in Brazil! Looks like a “something” nymph, sure. I rule out mosquito larva, not only because they don’t look like that, but also as the water surface is not still.

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God I hate damselfly nymphs in tanks 🙈 fascinating things, but not when they're eating fry
You definitely do
"With more than 300 species distributed among ten families, Brazil contains one of the most species-rich damselfly assemblages in the world" 😱 facepalm

Hehe - well, you live and learn...more annoyed here by Mosquitoes and Blackflies. Mosquito larvae in standing water can cause problems here big time (like dengue fever), so unless this damselfly grows and starts eating my shrimps that I will be putting in soon, methinks I will leave it alone as a natural attraction.
Thanks for the clarification Darrell!
Hi all,

Definitely is.

<"You definitely do">.

cheers Darrel
Looks like a damselfly nymph, what species I wouldn't have a clue. They often come in on freshly imported plants but if you've had no new plants it's interesting.
Omigod.....I am definitely slow on the uptake today. I thought you both were talking about mayflies and all I could picture was the mayfly infestations on the Danube in Hungary!
Sorry for taking / wasting your time, but thanks at the same time for the lessons.. still curious how it appeared, but that's for another day - cheers, enjoy the weekend!