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What are we doing wrong? Leak!


New Member
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8 Jun 2023
Hi everyone, newbie here šŸ˜ my husband has recently bought a aqua oak set up second hand and it came with a Aquamanta efx300 filter, so we cleaned, set up and have been treating the water ready for the fish, been a couple of weeks because we wanted to get everything right, anyway, we have a leak! We discovered the bottom of the cabinet was wet and realised the filter was leaking and it appears like itā€™s coming from the clip, we looked and tried everything we could think of and even bought and fitted a new new o ring but still a leak, so in desperation we bought a new filter an Aquamanta efx400, thinking the other one was second hand maybe it was already leaking? Got it all in and working yesterday and went to sleep all happy thinking yeah back on target for some fish! Now the whole household is watching this cabinet and this morning it has the same leak from the same clip but on the new filter! šŸ˜­ now we know itā€™s got to be us! Weā€™ve done something wrong? We followed the manual when installing but we must have missed something has anyone else experienced this And can point us in the right direction please? Thank you


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With those filters it's quite easy for the baskets to not sit perfectly flat. Also the top screen often needs a bit of jiggling to get it to align and sit properly.
Does that clip require more effort to close than the others? They shouldn't need much force to close them.
As others have said silicone grease is always good to have on hand (not on your hands but around should you need it). I bought some cheap Silverhook brand silicone grease. Comes in handy and I regrease the seals every filter clean. Though a new filter should already have some on the seals.
Thank you everyone! Feel like a bit of an idiot because with your suggestions thinking as this is a new filter, maybe weā€™ve over filled it? We did pour the water saved from the other filter into it and topped it up, before starting it up šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø will have a look once home, thank you all again and Iā€™ll let you know how we get on šŸ˜
It could be the side trims that the clips are recessed into could temporarily hold some water. I'd put the filter in a tray/bucket, leave it running for a while and monitor it.
Thought it was fixed, everything dried out, but we did stand it in a bowl overnight to make sure and this morning, the bowl is 1/4 full so still leaking šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ we just cannot work this out? Itā€™s driving us insane šŸ¤Æ thinking maybe we start all over again from scratch? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
Ok, here's the order I would go in to diagnose given you've done an inspection of the O-ring. At each step dry the filter and handles htoroughly with a towel so you don't mistake water on the outside for a leak.

1) Take out all the filter media baskets and run the filter completely empty. Are the clips easy to close (If no, there's a misalignment of something). If it leaks at this point it has to be a damage seal. You may need to order a new O-Ring.

2) Stack the filter baskets outside the filter with no filter media, do they slot into place easily. Are they all properly aligned. If no, you may need to order new filter baskets (unless simple modifications will fix them). If yes put them in the filter with the protective guard and check for alignment. Run the filter and check for a leak

3) Repeat step 2 with filter media. If they don't stack properly outside, remove some media. Overstacked baskets will only cause problems. This includes double checking the top basket isn't obstructing the protective guard.

If after all of that there's stil leakage then it's a dodgy filter I'm afraid.
Take the seal off....inspect it for any faults....the seal should have no nicks or remnant manufacturing material it should be smooth all around.
If it does have protruding material remove it with very fine wet/dry sanding finishing paper.
Clean the O ring/seal recess.
Use Vaseline to coat the seal/O ring also use Vaseline in the recess!
Update! We took it apart and assembled it like you said outside the filter all looked good, so we reassembled again from scratch, making sure the baskets were fitted properly, checking everything as we went, we then greased the o ring and followed all the instructions from the manual when filling, stood it in a bowl in it leaked again andmsomfar ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦NO LEAKS! Yay! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Thank you ,Thank you, Thank you for all your help! It really was invaluable šŸ˜ setting up a terrarium next (which will be mine, so fingers crossed)

(thinking about it now, the previous filter was probably ok as well šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚)
Vaseline can damage the O-ring depending on what it's made of. These O-rings are designed to seal ungreased. IF you are going to grease o-rings in aquarium cannisters Silicone Grease is least likely to cause damage.
Never ever found that to happen in all the years I've used filters!
Vaseline can damage the O-ring depending on what it's made of. These O-rings are designed to seal ungreased. IF you are going to grease o-rings in aquarium cannisters Silicone Grease is least likely to cause damage.Are you sure youā€™re not confusing birth control
I know Vaseline wasnā€™t recommended for use with rubber prophylactic birth control products, for instance. But arenā€™t modern O-rings made of petrochemical resistant material?
Are modern O-rings made of material that is degraded by petrochemical products? I know it wasnā€™t recommended for use with certain prophylactic birth control products.
I'm sure I purchased an Eheim Canister filter years ago and there was grease with the filter!
Thatā€™s what I thought. Me too.
If I remember that grease was mentioned as Vaseline.
I'm not sure if it was supposed to be just used on the Double Taps.
I used it on both the pump head seal and the O rings on the taps....never had any leaks/problems!
Depends on what exactly the O-ring is made of, natural rubber and some petrochemical derived synthetic polymers degrade in petroleum and so can be damaged by vaseline. Silicone grease is the recommended lubricant for most o-rings and it's the manufacturers recommendation on this brand

To prolong the life of your external filter o-rings we recommend using a small amount of silicone grease once every few months

In general, given they're similar price and availability I try not to recommend vaseline unless I know the precise material or the manufacturer has said so. It may be excessively cautious but I generally am.
Pleased to hear that you fixed the leaking filter, leaks are so frustrating.
Although I have never used your brand of filter, I became somewhat of an expert (at least in my mind) in fixing SunSun filter leaks. I have at least 10 spare O rings ordered from China along with plumbers' PTFE tape, silicon grease , and buckets in which filters would stand.
I also had various prayers and incantations which I would chant for the filters when I went to bed at night time (particularly after a service).
After 10 years I had had enough... got Oase Biomasters and became an atheist (no more praying for me).