Buying myself a bazooker diffuser. I have to turn off this god damn awful 306 and it's just too loud. I'm talking with Fluval but nothing they have suggested has helped. I don't know what to do.
Things just aren't going well for me right now in this hobby. Everything I do seems to make my problems worse. Now my Monte Carlo is dying... and I'm getting very little growth anywhere. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong and it's so draining because I've spent all this time and money trying to get plants to grow and nothing is worthing, just algae.
I have good ferts, good co2 level, decent flow, good substrate (eco complete), root tabs, 2 t5's with reflectors... what else is there?! I was getting better growth when I first got my aquarium and all I did was feed the plants once a week with a brand fertilizer