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What algae?


10 Jun 2016
I am colour-blind and struggling to figure out what algae this is on my Anubias that is making the leaves roll up. I know there is a little BBA (not on the in focus leaves) but I think I now have that under control.

Anyone? Could really do with knowing what type this is so I can do something about it.

I am guessing that I am probably best of just cutting off the whole stem for any leaves that are totally curled up?
Hi all,
Could really do with knowing what type this is so I can do something about it.
It is green algae, you can't really tell any more from the photo. The green algae are <"closely related to the higher plants"> and as a general rule if conditions favour higher plant growth they also favour green algae growth.

There might be BBA on the edge of the leaf in the left of the photo.
I am guessing that I am probably best of just cutting off the whole stem for any leaves that are totally curled up?
The curling of the leaf isn't related to the algae, and it is an Anubias plant, so it will only produce new leaves very slowly.

For me cutting the shoot off isn't a viable option, any new leaves are almost certain to develop the same algae.

Personally I would move the plant to some-where it gets a lot less light and that will probably reduce both curling (but only on new leaves) and algae growth. An easy "cheat" for controlling green algae on tough leaved plants and hardscape is to add Red Ramshorn snails, they graze any algal turf and this will reduce visible algal growth over time.

cheers Darrel