Looking on adding extra plants which will be ..
1xEchinodorus ozelot Red
1xPogostemon erectus
1xAlternanthera reineckii Purple
1xNymphoides spec. Taiwan
1x Pogostemon helferi
1xHeteranthera zosterifolia
1xRotala indica
1xLudwigia arcuata
I understand many people have had no issues with there Monte Carlo as many have said on my post but getting back to the issue I’m currently experiencing with melting and dieing off it’s strange due to currently having a tank with Monte Carlo that took off really well without any of the above issues but since setting up an Larger tank it seems to have this issue .. have done nothing different..
1xEchinodorus ozelot Red
1xPogostemon erectus
1xAlternanthera reineckii Purple
1xNymphoides spec. Taiwan
1x Pogostemon helferi
1xHeteranthera zosterifolia
1xRotala indica
1xLudwigia arcuata
I understand many people have had no issues with there Monte Carlo as many have said on my post but getting back to the issue I’m currently experiencing with melting and dieing off it’s strange due to currently having a tank with Monte Carlo that took off really well without any of the above issues but since setting up an Larger tank it seems to have this issue .. have done nothing different..