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Weird "TubeWorm" On Saggitaria?


27 Nov 2011
London, UK.
Check this out.

Anyone got any ideas? Its on the underside of a saggitaria subulata leaf, moves a lot, hasnt spread to anywhere else in the tank and is cream white in colour.
It's been there for about a week and is starting to get to me.
Apologies for the badly edited photo.

Look for it in the very centre of the picture.

IMG_0640 by KrisHumphreys1991, on Flickr
Re: Weird "TubeWorm" On Saggitaria?

It's hydra mate, need to get rid or your shrimps wont flourish
They release a toxin into shrimp and paralyse them and can easily gobble them.
You'll find that that won't be the only one. Remove as many as you can see in the mean time

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Absolutely a hydra. Alastair is right, they have stinging nematocysts containing neurotoxins which they fire out to harpoon prey rendering it paralyzed before reeling it in on thread like projection.
WHAT ! Oh no 🙁

I'm draining the tank on saturday and bringing it on a 4 hour trip. Think this will kill it ?