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Weather forecast?


16 Apr 2015
Today we have a sunny 10°C but in 5 days we seem to go to -14° 🥶

How is the weather in UK?

Over here we indeed had a flash freeze in no time... I was hoping not to, but I had to drain all my garden tubs and tanks in the garden this weekend and move the fish indoors. Everything frozen rock-solid in less than 3 days time.


Here is some Rotala on the rocks... I guess it's over now it will not survive this...
As usual, when these things happen, we are surrounded by snow in France and England but not even a flutter for Us!
They say it due to thermals swerving around our island and a warm land mass due to the 9c sea!
Always very disappointing 🙁
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A cold flash present from Putin in our case... 🙁 Next Saturday it's over as it seems then we go up to +°C again.

I was able to resque a few smaller Echinodorus from the garden, but anything too big and not frost resistant is gone I guess.
Really a pity, till now it looked all would survive and grow back this spring...
Same, I'm sure a few plants that survived a few winters here, inside and outside the pond, will have perished this time round. I doubt my white cloud minnows in the pond will live this through either, but had no way of rescuing those. I hope the deeper parts of the pond stay warm enough for them... I found a poor frog a few days ago on top of the ice, it must have woken early or thought its hiding spot wasnt warm enough or something. I've put him in my compost pile, hopefully he can survive there...
I found a poor frog

Me too, there was one in the bathtub I found after I drained it... 🙂 Not yet asleep I guess till now it was way to warm for that...
It's in a bucket in the cellar now, I'll release it again next week after the frost... Then I throw it in the creek next door a couple 100 metres away...

Good luck with the minnows, fingers crossed.
Had a nightmare last night they closed the A47 and my wife got stuck in the snow. At one point she thought she'd have to sleep in the car 😱
Luckily the police found her and she was pulled out by volunteers. She eventually made it home safe and sound 🙂
Stay safe out there folks it's treacherous in some areas...
Forecast is -10c here in norwich tomorrow night, that'll test the dahlias i left in the ground this year, hope fully the snow insulates them a bit. Had over a foot of snow but the roads don't seem to bad. My dog loves the snow but isn't impressed that she comes back like a snowman with all the horrible ice balls that stick to her legs.

Don't mind the snow and cold so much. Living in the dryest county apparently we had the wettest December for over 100 years and the third wettest January on record, so snow is a nice change.
That's what happens @Tim Harrison when you live in the sticks!! 😉

Is this a personal inside joke or is this a British saying? Living in the sticks? I have absolutely no clue what it means... ☺️

Oh K i got it never mind...

To live in the country, far away from any major city or urban center. Living in Suburbia does not count.

He basically is calling you a Jack... Still might be an inside joke... Not sure if I should laugh now? 😁
Is this a personal inside joke or is this a British saying? Living in the sticks? I have absolutely no clue what it means... ☺️
Haha, it means living in the countryside far away from towns and cites.
Yes i saw that, i looked it up and edited my previous post... Thanks anyway...

Calling somebody a farmer is also in our country not always meant as a compliment... Tho amongst friends it's pretty common.
Is this a personal inside joke or is this a British saying? Living in the sticks? I have absolutely no clue what it means... ☺️

Oh K i got it never mind...

He basically is calling you a Jack... Still might be an inside joke... Not sure if I should laugh now? 😁
It's cuz I's don't live in The Big Smoke like wot he does, ain't it gov'.. 🏙️
It's 'casue I's don't live in The Big Smoke, ain't it gov'... 🏙️

I kinda know the feeling i guess. I'm kinda falling between 2 stools myself... Living in a countryside village while my roots are in The Big Smoke... Thus living in the sticks while the old-timer local residents (sticks?) still treat me as that strange outsider.