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Water remin


New Member
17 Dec 2023
Apologies as I'm sure been asked a million times before.

I've just moved over to RO.

2 reasons, first because I wanted to... second because on a recent water change I lost some fish and shrimp, after testing tap water afterwards it was way out of whack from it's usual stand point so RO gives me some consistency and control.

I've been using DIY ferts for a while but I filled up my barrel with RO and utilised the Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Carbonate in a 3:1 ratio (by weight on micro scales), achieved a TDS of 120. I'm aiming for a KH of 2 and a GH of 6.

However my KH was 0 and GH was 8.

Am I using the wrong chemicals, or are my ratios wrong?

Thanks in advance
Your chemicals are fine. However, that ratio is not by weight but by PPM that you add. You’ll need to use the IFC fert calculator to work out how much of each you need to add to reach your desired values.