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Water changes on large tank?

Feed lots of live food and Bobs your uncle.
I've had no trouble with cardinals and other tetras or soft water fish thriving in water similar to London tap water. As far as high NO3/PO4, please...

P. transvestitus - a notoriously difficult soft water fish. 750 microseimens, GH 26+, KH 15 + 5X EI dosing.

Marble Hatchets in the same tank

Ram in the same tank.

Nutrition, clean tank and healthy plants are the keys. I see no reason you cannot mix your current RO reservoir with tap and have them looking nice.

Clive your fish health and plant quality say it all. Quality!

I just woner does the water in London have any trace of ammonia at all? Or is it just PO4 and NO3?
ALso to Ceg, id like to know if you think GBRs can be kept in water of kh 16 and gh 19?
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Easy.Buyer a bigger tank and keep African cichlids.
Buy/trade in a smaller 60cm tank for the high tec planted scapes.
50% water changes are so fast on a tank this small.
You need to buy less plants,and you can do a complete rescape quicker/easier if you get bored or want to hone scaping skills,by trying out new layouts,more frequently.
A TMC signature is a good footprint for a pair of Gbr's 😉