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Water change Tuesday


New Member
24 Sep 2023
Kent - United Kingdom
Well todays 40% has been done. Glass cleaned (Kinda). Slightly bigger feed and blood work this evening as the lights start to dim. Let see what if anything I can trigger to spawn. Thinking my Angles and cory's may give it a go as the latter females are pluming up nice right now. I have lost some stem plants that have only had a week to settle but others are putting feeder roots out nicely. Not sure what that was called but it looks like a bacopia but with bigger leaf's. I will add a cpl pics later when its all settled and the lights are full.
Have a good Tuesday folks.
Hi all,
Lysimachia nummularia
That would be my guess, the leaves are opposite and rounded <"Lysimachia nummularia 'aurea'">. I'm keen on it the garden (<"we have some near the pond">) but personally I'd replace it with a plant that is more suitable for long term life underwater.

<"Tropica etc."> are interested in plants that <"suit their production methods">, they aren't as interested (as they should be) in plants <"that will grow permanently under water">.

cheers Darrel
I've had a similar experience to @_Maq_ , I bought a pot & watched it gradually fade away.
Then realised I had a huge clump in the garden! 🙄 I took a few cuttings & floated them on the surface of one tank & the pond for a few days before planting them them.
They have been growing under water for a few months now, despite the tank being low light it has still kept the yellowish leaf colour. Growth in the tank has been very slow but it has rooted.
The pond cuttings have done really well & are nearly at the surface, it seems quite resilient to my hooligan goldfish & I'd say it prefers cooler temperatures. It will be interesting to see how the plant fares over winter in the pond.