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Water change routine?!!


11 Jan 2023
Morning Folks,
I'm sure this title will induce a few eye rolls 🙂 with the more experienced hobbyists, but I still find it a confusing and contradictory subject.
I have a 34l tank (no Co2) that is now mature after setting up last May. Its heavily planted, has Chilli Rasboras, Pygmy Corys and a breeding colony of red cherries.
At the moment, I an changing about 20% of the water every 2/3 weeks. My question is does that seem about right or am I potentially storing up problem for the future?

Any comments or advise would be welcome.


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Hi all,
I’m of the thought that the more changes the better. However you have a fairly low fish stock with a lot of plants so what you’re doing is probably fine.
I agree with @Conort2 it is such a small volume tank that I would do greater volume water changes. I use <"6 pints milk cartons"> to store the rain water and let it warm up.

cheers Darrel
My initial thoughts are the bigger the tank the more room for error with 34l being harder to look after. Then i look at the mass of plants you have, and that really is the winning formulae no matter the size. Ive had quite a few heavily planted small tanks, and they have always thrived. I would carry on with your routine, and the plants themselves will give you any indication something is wrong. The only problem i could see is if your substrate depletes over time. Not sure if you're dosing anything or using roots tabs etc.