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Want to set up a display tank in your LFS?

Great topic. I've got some crazy ideas too. Just received an ipad which was bought for the purpose to showcase my work.
Shooting another vid tomorrow and will start to approach shops. Will report the progress and feedback received here.
There is loads of shops in London. I can find about 15 fishshops within 5 miles radius and there probably are much more which i am not aware of.
Great idea about the leaflets. I always point people to ukaps when they come to pick up shrimp.
Nice one

Have you seen the recent display in Wetpets??

Look great, shame they don't stock many plants, decent amount of landscape stones though witch is a start, oh and they have 'saluwasi' (is that right) shrimp in the tank....there deep red with blueish white dots on them and white legs.
George Farmer said:
nayr88 said:
Nice one mate, goo forth and spread the word 🙂

If you don't mind me asking how much was that lot?

Good luck Johno
I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but the leaflets in electronic form are available here for free.


Good one on the link, will print it out for the schools.

my old corner tank setup is currently sitting in a shop near me. ive been popping in every few months to keep it ticking over.

although it is no where near the state i had it in my flat it is a hardy setup and has just about kept going.

every time i am in there customers come over and ask me questions. The tank was even used in a photo by PFK when they visited the shop in a regional tour.

Best regards,
Great topic, and for sure a good display tank will bring new people in the hobby.
Couple of month ago I visited this pet store without knowing what to expect, and...


Sorry for the picture been taken with my mobile.
Then I go home and think... This is not normal. I check on the net and I found that's a 7000ltrs set up by Oliver Knott. So I go to check one of there other shop (still picture taken with my mobile).


The down side is the staff is not very friendly. I don't speak german and that was a bit like going to france and try to speak english lol
Nice photos.
George has covered it all here really, but I set up a 2500 litre for my local MA store back in February as a volunteer, they wanted low maintenance but lush planting to house 6 altum angels...(that's me planting it in the avatar). Now I work for that store and my principle role is creating and managing all our planted tanks. It's always worth asking your LFS if you might volunteer with displays as staff don't always have the time or energy to do them and fresh perspectives and ideas can be very valuable. Ask them when and if they are doing a bit display and get involved! Finally, it might let you put your imagination and creativity to use, creating aquascapes and biotopes that you just don't have room, or money for at home.
Thanks Ian! We ordered some motherplant E. Parviflorus from Aquadistri yesterday so I hope they will arrive on wednesday and will go into the display tank, though I'm not sure how we will plant it among the sagittaria bed, it's so thick! I have also managed to get Nomphila stricta to grow emerse out of the tank and am attempting the same with hydrocotyle species so as to add a new dimension to the upper layers of the tank 🙂
I will attempt to post a pic:
Altum Angels at work by tai strietman, on Flickr
Very nice.

Please consider starting a separate thread to do your tank more justice. 🙂

As a retail employee though, I would ask you politely not directly mention your employer as they are not a UKAPS sponsor.

Keep up the good work. 🙂

Hi George, thanks for the input, I hope to get some more photos and info as the tank develops. Of course, I didn't think of that, thank you for alerting me. 🙂
No no fair enough, I was to busy looking at all the wonderful pictures on here and getting excited about the topics to read the small print! Your 'Jungle' scape that you did a while ago was the tank that made me spend every penny on planted setups from then on...I tried to replicate a 'jungle' tank like yours...
200 Plant Display by tai strietman, on Flickr
I'm about to plant a 325 litre Fluval Profile at home, I want to use Vallisneria nana for the background, I tried it once before and failed miserably but this time it will get co2 and decent lighting plus colombo substrate, would you have any other tips regarding it's care/propogation? Thanks!