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Want to make a Zhujiang/Pearl River Chinese Native Tank

In my experience, mulberry leaves don't stain the water much if at all. Not sure about guava leaves since I've not personally used them. Magnolia leaves will give you the blackwater look. And pre-boiling/soaking for a few days will definitely help get out some of the tannins and make sure the leaves sink. I personally really like the blackwater look, but if not, you could always use some charcoal or Purigen in the filter.
I like blackwater tanks aswell. I have a 20 gallon orinoco river themed tank that has a black water look even considering actually putting leaves in it to tea it.
But the tank im doing to the dojo is going to be my living rooms center tank. i want it to be light and vibrant so my non aquarium hobbiest guest can not be confused why my tank is so brown and "dirty". lmao
Hey yall,
Just letting you know my tank is almost complete. I have no plants added to my tank. Im going to add some vallisneria spiralis and possibly Azola . As its a common species found upriver near the Baiyunshan Mountain up river of the Zhujiang river.
Also would like to add it is a native species and not a biotope. i want this tank with a more aesthetic trying to mimic natural environments for my living room.
Yes it's only couple days old but I did add beneficial bacteria media from another tank and let it cycled for over a day.


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Just as a fun fact - I just learned that its name in Cantonese, 滿江紅, literally translates to something like "red-filled river" - probably for its red colouration and ability to grow fast!
Will you be keeping a journal for this project? I'd love to follow along.
Sorry for not posting updates. I have been posting videos on TikTok user Pacu305. Iv added a vallisneria spiralis to the tank which in my opinion it adds a hillside river look or a clean Zen vibe. Thinking about adding hillstream loaches when the algae accumulates.
I totally understand if tiktok aint an option.
I can add photos.