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Wallichii substitute!


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25 Jul 2021
Hi All
I’m after some fine leaved stems for my hardish water. 12kh/gh.

I love Wallichii but don’t think they would fair well in my water so wondering if anyone has some recommendations for a substitute with a similar fine leaf type and a little bit of colour would be nice.

Running Co2, medium light, full EI for anyone not familiar with my tank.

Thanks in advance for any replies. 😊
Definitely not standard Wallichii the stem don't look right!
Looks like Bangladesh.....
Rotala wallichii "Bangladesh"
AI0Q9790 wallichii 5 may 22.jpg

I've made progress on my Wallichii identification. After several weeks, my Wallichii from APC Thailand (i.e. I bought from a store that imported from APC) looks different than my locally farmed Wallichii.

So I guess the locally farmed Wallichii, which stubbornly refused to turn pink (at most it will turn yellow) despite double WRGB2 at 100/80/90 lighting, was Enie or some other variant.

In contrast to the other plant, the APC Wallichii:
(1) has turned pink
(2) is noticeably narrower
View attachment 187776

I've made progress on my Wallichii identification. After several weeks, my Wallichii from APC Thailand (i.e. I bought from a store that imported from APC) looks different than my locally farmed Wallichii.

So I guess the locally farmed Wallichii, which stubbornly refused to turn pink (at most it will turn yellow) despite double WRGB2 at 100/80/90 lighting, was Enie or some other variant.

In contrast to the other plant, the APC Wallichii:
(1) has turned pink
(2) is noticeably narrower
Could be Vietnam!
Could be Vietnam!

The requirements Rotala sp. 'Vietnam' are quite similar to those of Rotala wallichii. Moderate light leads to an overall green plant with red stems, whereas intensive light leads to a pretty golden colour
I think you are right! Double WRGB2 at 100/80/90 and it still only turns yellow... aka 'pretty golden colour'
View attachment 187776

I've made progress on my Wallichii identification. After several weeks, my Wallichii from APC Thailand (i.e. I bought from a store that imported from APC) looks different than my locally farmed Wallichii.

So I guess the locally farmed Wallichii, which stubbornly refused to turn pink (at most it will turn yellow) despite double WRGB2 at 100/80/90 lighting, was Enie or some other variant.

In contrast to the other plant, the APC Wallichii:
(1) has turned pink
(2) is noticeably narrower

Interesting stuff! Who knew there were so many options. 😂 Both of yours also seem to have red main stems and I thought ‘Wallichii’ had green main stems. Have we figured out what that is about yet?

Mine still have a ‘thicker’ leaf, more like @GHNelson picture above. In fairness, I can’t really judge if the lack of red or pink colour is down to plant type or not enough light yet, however my ‘hra have started to colour up so the extra light is having an impact there at least.


My stems are getting back up there, after last weeks trim so we’ll see if any colour starts to appear.

I have, however, just ordered some stems online from a hopefully reliable source (thanks for the tip Hoggie 😊) so will hopefully get these in tank next week!👍
View attachment 187858
These look like Rotala rotundifolia might be the Orange variant?

😂😂 Could be!! I definitely purchased ‘Rotundifolia’ and ‘h’ra’ for the tank (at least that’s what they were bought as) They have generally been languishing in a very average state, looking nothing special and I’ve moved things about a bit and pulled some that weren’t doing so well so I could easily be mistaken (though I’ve never knowingly bought an orange variant!)

Things have only really started springing to life since I started increasing the light levels.

I have some other Rotala stems that are not really colouring up but are very strongly upright and was convinced that these were the Rotundifolia (I’ll take pics when I get home at the end of the week)

I also understand that it’s not unusual for h’ra to have a more creeping growth pattern however, and these coloured stems are certainly not doing that either. In fact, I don’t have any that are! Could be I have two Rotundifolia types and no h’ra at all!!

It seems that all these Rotala variants (and properly ID ing them) is bit of a minefield, which makes it fun for those of us that have never grown them before 😂 and it sounds like the sellers may not always be much better at it!

Really appreciate the pointers though. The OCD in me would much like to know what I’m actually growing! 😊

If it’s not a bind, could you explain why you ID these as Rotundifolia. Is it leaf shape, colour, habit or a combination that is pointing you that way??

Oh……….and if you ever fancy releasing an encyclopaedia of rotala’s…..I want a copy. 😉😂
Hi Kirsty
Yes it is a tad hit and miss identifying variants of Rotala rotundifolia!
Mostly leaf shape, colour and its growing habits....although growing habits/colour can be affected by light as you have noticed.
Hi Y’all

So…..Wallichii 2 commences. 😂

The old batch of stems are doing fine. Just a smidge…uninteresting, dare I say!!

The new batch of stems have been in a week. Had a bit of melt but we’ve still got some ticking along. Not doing much yet!!

Lights are now 60-65% (accounting for different colours at different levels)

We’ll see how these go! 😊
So…..fairly brief experiment!! Complete melt down. I don’t even have scraps left to photograph. 😏

Guess they weren’t too happy with the transition from what was probably a nice soft water tank that they were grown in, to my evil devil water. 😂

Might still try an in-vitro, just out of curiosity really, but I’m off on hols in a few weeks so I’ll wait til I’m back.
So…….I didn’t wait until after my holiday, I put some in-vitro’s in just before I went away, which have now been in my high tech ‘everything is supposed to grow super fast ‘tank for 9 weeks (yep that is 9 weeks, not 9 days) and I think unimpressive would be the kindest description for them.

Pretty sure I had perfected the art of keeping Wallichii in stasis…..or at least in a state of slow mummification…..but am hugely excited to see these side shoots this week. 😂 These guys are at least a whole 5mm long! 🎉🎊


I’d have to say I’m not wholly convinced that anything will come of these of course but it’s progress…..of a sort!

Albeit, I feel there’s a long way to go yet huh!

Hints and tips (once you’ve stopped laughing) are more than welcome. 😊
Can't give you any tips mate but hopefully you'll find some comfort in the fact that you're not the only one that struggles with this plant. Here's a picture of mine impersonating a Christmas tree after the recent hot weather we had 😁
View attachment 192875

😂 That’s quite impressive, hang some baubles on it and you’ve got it made! 👍
I don't know about making plants 'angry' but those stems look positively livid! I expect things like that in my low tech/dim light set up but not when you're giving them everything they could possibly want.
The only suggestion I have, it's very tenuous, would floating the stems on the surface for a while before planting help them adjust better? They would have more free access to oxygen & CO2.
I don't know about making plants 'angry' but those stems look positively livid! I expect things like that in my low tech/dim light set up but not when you're giving them everything they could possibly want.
The only suggestion I have, it's very tenuous, would floating the stems on the surface for a while before planting help them adjust better? They would have more free access to oxygen & CO2.

Yep, I think they definitely qualify as miffed….and are just too belligerent to up and die on me. 😏

I could try tugging a couple up and floating them for a while. Might be interesting to see if they respond. Worst thing that can happen is they melt completely and that’s not a massive loss right now eh!
i saw a post on page 3 with myriophyllum spicatum, does that sp can become reddish under high light like the myriophyllum tuberculatum ? thx