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Visit to Planted Tanks shop, Selby, N.Yorks

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Frosties said:
£2.50 today from Westyggx (Mike hope your not getting too busy where you are... saw the news this morning...)

Cheers Tony, we had 490 calls last night lol and many of the pumps (fire engines) were getting bricks thrown at them etc!

I've been really unsure about whether to post in this thread or not, but have decided to go ahead.

Let me just say that firstly I think this is a great offer from Tony, and I've always had pretty good service from plantedtanks in the past.

However, on two occasions I've had a total wipeout of shrimp in my tank following adding plants from plantedtanks, and I'm as sure as I can be that they were caused by either fertilisers or pesticides on the plants. There were confounding factors the first time (hence why I didn't make the connection and ended up doing it again), but none on the second occaision. Both times the plants had been rinsed well and soaked for a few hours.

I truly don't want to cause anyone any grief over this, but just want to warn anyone putting these plants into a shrimp tank to give them a damn good soaking and watch their shrimp very closely when adding them.

I hope this post is OK, if George or anyone else has a problem with it then feel free to moderate as you see fit.

BigTom said:

I've been really unsure about whether to post in this thread or not, but have decided to go ahead.

Let me just say that firstly I think this is a great offer from Tony, and I've always had pretty good service from plantedtanks in the past.

However, on two occasions I've had a total wipeout of shrimp in my tank following adding plants from plantedtanks, and I'm as sure as I can be that they were caused by either fertilisers or pesticides on the plants. There were confounding factors the first time (hence why I didn't make the connection and ended up doing it again), but none on the second occaision. Both times the plants had been rinsed well and soaked for a few hours.

I truly don't want to cause anyone any grief over this, but just want to warn anyone putting these plants into a shrimp tank to give them a damn good soaking and watch their shrimp very closely when adding them.

I hope this post is OK, if George or anyone else has a problem with it then feel free to moderate as you see fit.


In my opinion - this post should remain as there is no excuse for good quarantine. We always support this as we do our best efforts to clean the plants prior to sending them to our customers. I think that the post made by Tom unfortunately is a good post to demonstrate what can happen if you dont soak plants.

Frosties said:
BigTom said:

I've been really unsure about whether to post in this thread or not, but have decided to go ahead.

Let me just say that firstly I think this is a great offer from Tony, and I've always had pretty good service from plantedtanks in the past.

However, on two occasions I've had a total wipeout of shrimp in my tank following adding plants from plantedtanks, and I'm as sure as I can be that they were caused by either fertilisers or pesticides on the plants. There were confounding factors the first time (hence why I didn't make the connection and ended up doing it again), but none on the second occaision. Both times the plants had been rinsed well and soaked for a few hours.

I truly don't want to cause anyone any grief over this, but just want to warn anyone putting these plants into a shrimp tank to give them a damn good soaking and watch their shrimp very closely when adding them.

I hope this post is OK, if George or anyone else has a problem with it then feel free to moderate as you see fit.


In my opinion - this post should remain as there is no excuse for good quarantine. We always support this as we do our best efforts to clean the plants prior to sending them to our customers. I think that the post made by Tom unfortunately is a good post to demonstrate what can happen if you dont soak plants.


Can i have some advice on soaking plants Tony as i normally just put my plants i buy straight in 😳
Plants should be soaked or quarantined for at least 24 hours prior to planting. I recommend putting said plants into a bucket of water, with a heater and filter running. The filter does not need to be mature infact you can use a powerhead - the important part is that the water is moving...

During this 24 hour period - I recommend that you change at least 50% of the water several times. This is why you use a bucket as it is smaller quantities of water to change. Water can be used straight from the tap assuming no posticieds etc are in your tap water...

There is no need to add anything else. We treat the plants with Potassium Permanganate NOT copper for snails and also as a mild infection control. This is definately washed off prior to shipping the plants to customers as we soak the plants in our holding tanks with high fertilisers as well. All ferts that we use are the ones you can purchase (pre mixed) from Johnny (APFUK).
Isn't quarantine of the plants suppose to be the sellers responsibility? I have a local store that when I go there they ask me if I have inverts in the tank and if I say yes then they say the plants in this tank are not ready for you then, they need to quarantine here in my tanks for at least another couple of weeks or so to be invest safe.

Not having a dig but I don't think it should be up to us to quarantine the plants, if I buy plants I assume they are safe to use in my tank from the moment I pick them out in the store. Most of the plants that come from the far east are dipped in solutions to kill all parasites, which in turn makes them harmful to inverts.
Ok, I think it's a good time to lock the thread now.

Thanks to Planted Tanks for offering plants at good prices to the UKAPS Membership.

Advertising is now to stop until further notice.

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