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Video of Tom Barr's open house meet and trim ideas

Great vid, lovely healty tanks Tom. Would be nice to see more from you later on.

I plan on doing a few more.

Each tank has a very different schedule and approach to scaping, so they are all this mish mash of different styles, different methods/techniques, something I've always considered and had a strong interest in, not just one method or style.
So a video with more detail generally will be more useful. And not so shaky and in focus etc.
The other thing, is I tend to have more eclectic species, uncommon ones, and then like to discuss different trim methods to get the most, whether it's sales, or consistent looks, or if you lack the time or motivation to trim that much, short cuts etc.

I'm about due to redo the 120 Gallon once again.
I wish my stauro looked like that!

I love how you just use a standard pair of paper scissors, not aquascaping ones.
About 3 weeks to have a decent looking lawn, but it will not be as thick and tall as what I cut. What I cut needed cut, maybe 2 months(8-10 weeks worth of growth from a cut to the bone trim)
So basically you cut the roots to ease uprooting, right?

I see a lot of dust go up off the substrate. As I understand you usually make big water change after such trim, right? Do you clean the substrate with siphon as well?
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About 3 weeks to have a decent looking lawn, but it will not be as thick and tall as what I cut. What I cut needed cut, maybe 2 months(8-10 weeks worth of growth from a cut to the bone trim)

Will new leaves appear from the more or less bare roots that are left tom? Or would you have to replant the tops again?
The difference between 0 and 14 days is ridiculous. I've never seen that kind of growth before. Reckon you could post the information about this tank for us Tom? Lighting photoperiod co2 etc?
Gloss and other plants respond the same way to mows. About the same time frame, but if you go several weeks, they really get foul.........whereas Starougyne stays pretty decent, but just piles on itself.
Less demanding than most plants.
Nuke powered plasma fresnel lens directed thermo lighting system, actually ATI sunpower 8 bulb fixtures.
CO2, gas tank, CO2 reactor in the sump.
Wet/dry filter.
180 Gallon 180 cm x 65 x 60.
ADA aqua soil, maybe 7 years old now.
Nuke powered plasma fresnel lens directed thermo lighting system, actually ATI sunpower 8 bulb fixtures.
CO2, gas tank, CO2 reactor in the sump.
Wet/dry filter.
180 Gallon 180 cm x 65 x 60.
ADA aqua soil, maybe 7 years old now.
Doesnt the wet dry filter drive lots of co2 out of the tank?
Hi Tom. Have you ever tried this method of trimming with HC? I've got a carpet of HC which is about 6 weeks old. But because I had some Diatoms on it it stopped the growth quite significantly. I was planning to trim it all to get rid of them all brown ugly leaves but I'm a bit scared it won't regrow. What would you recommend me to do? Thanks a lot.