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very small bubbles into silicone

The problems with pictures is, you know what you're looking at, for us it is to flat to see what's realy going on. i stand by, send it back and let him fix it. 🙂
Good luck..
Do you see the gap in the dark photo? Between seal and glass? Is it a problem or its only me ?
Because of no experience i may see wrong things that havent problem.
Because of his high professionalism he will come by himself into my place to inspect and fix wherever is needed.
He will take the train which is 4 hours away of my place . I offered to help him at his transport fees.
A nice movement from him and he deserves a bravo.
Do you see the gap in the dark photo? Between seal and glass?
Oh yes now i see, now you mention what to look for. \there is a lot going on in the pic with all the background colors.
\that gap realy looks alarming.. \this tank is probably assambled by an apprentice and this one forgot to clean it first.
Oh yes now i see, now you mention what to look for. \there is a lot going on in the pic with all the background colors.
\that gap realy looks alarming.. \this tank is probably assambled by an apprentice and this one forgot to clean it first.
Yes, that gap alarmed me more than anything else. Bubbles started to fade off and i get over the cosmetic thing. But this gap between the seal and glass is something must revised. I see rimless tanks like ada with extremely thin seals but i cant risk it.
Thats the photo i sent to him and immediately told me he will organize his schedule and come down here to inspect and fix it.
I believe that he will scrap off this side , clean it and reseal it. I guess he doesnt have to scrap off all the panels.