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Very hard water - planting help!

I find having peat under cat litter in my betta tank to be very messy, especially when I have dwarf sag that like to grow everywhere because I will often pull runners out to stop it from invading. I do however have Osmocote under my substrate as the only source of nutrients a part from fish food/waste from the betta. From the look of it I can't fault the Osmocote.
Hi glenda, I echo edvets sentiments, having owned three of these tanks 2 small and 1 large maintenance can be quite tricky due to the small opening very easy to knock hardscape and disturb the soil making a mess. Root tabs under the plants like swords and crypts with water column dosing would be the best path ime.
Thank thank you so much I will look into the suggested methods! Warmest wishes - Glenda