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UV filters?


10 Feb 2008
Hi i was thinking about getting a uv filter to make my tank water as clear as crystal......i believe the saying is cyrstal clear 😛. What you think, any bad effects to fish, plants water stats?

Thanks guys.
UV units will only clear water by killing and flocculating free floating algae. In aquaria they are more commonly used to kill off parasites and bacteria floating in the water and prevent them re-infecting other fish. They are especially handy in centralised systems. Apparently any damage to fish does heal much more quickly when in a UV filtered tank.

You need to establish what is causing your lack of clarity. If it's algae then the UV would work, but if it's tannins from wood then it won't do a thing and you need to use carbon or Seachem's Purigen and if it's small particles floating in the water you need to put some fine filter floss or similar fine media in the filter to trap them.

The UV would not effect water parameters in any other way IME.
I agree with Ed. UV has nothing to do with tank clarity unless the lack of clarity is due to free floating algae. If you do have algae then you'd need to address the cause.

My tank is quite clear was just reading about uv filters on aquarium web sites and by there descriptions i thought i may get some super clear water.

Thanks for replies.