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Urgent: Hagen Elite 60 Hood Lighting Failure

If bulb only flickering probably with Yours ballast everything is ok. try replace bulb, clean all contacts too. if old T8 type then try to replace starter.
In old t8 flickering almost in 90% due ignition fault - need replace starter after some months if cheap quality
I don't think it's ballast fault.

Best Regards
The ballast is completely sealed into these hoods with no access to the starter
If you just need light and dont need the hood itself then just get a clip on light. The Haiyang light on aquatics online is pretty reasonable and well built. Been using it for a while now with no issues. I think it will do the job fine for the Elite 60
it'd be easy enough to replace the T8 with an 18w PL tube in the same place. Should just be a case of running the wires through the holes that are already in the lid and then hoding the light in place with clips/cable ties. I'd offer you my lid but i'm using it next week when i go on holiday! You could probably fit a T8/T5 on the flap itself, if you don't mind not being able to open the flap fully.
I know Ferrybridge Aquatics (about 15mins drive from you) had some PL starters in a while back
Light units like that are available in most aquatic shops. If you used one of them you could replace the holders that are in there for the "broken" light unit - just take one off and securely glue the replacement on. They don't have to carry a lot of weight so glue should work (insert usual "be careful with electricity and water" comments here!). Run the wires out through the holes in the back of the hood, plug it in and you're away!
I have the same tank with the same problem (that's what brought me here). There is a sealed compartment in the hood at the back which houses the starter and ballast. This was quite easy to prize open with a flat headed screwdriver.
Having opened the compartment I find the ballast has completely burnt out where the wires go in.
So, My question is where would I find a replacement ballast? It is a 15W DEC triangel. I think the part number is S15F-1.

Any help appreciated.