Thanks for the replies all, I would do specific replies, but thought it best to do a general response as anyone can add on top.
I'll definitely look into getting some lava rock (or similar) to build up the backs, I might actually even have some alfragrog i kept hold of from a biorb i had as one of my very first tanks.
Because of the way the Fluval Shaker is set up the pipework is built in to go through the bottom of the tank, so it may be a bit difficult to put two external filters in it... I guess there has to be a way to put in the heater so I may be able to fit in an internal filter too if required.
For clarification, as I will be using the media from my already fully cycled fluval 307 in the fluval 407, shouldn't it cycle in a much shorter time period/will I have to worry about doing daily water changes, as I thought this was for completely new uncycled filters and tanks? Or is this because of the aquasoil that I will need to do frequent water changes regardless of the already cycled media and would soaking this pre adding it to the tank help? Not that I am in any rush to put anything other than plants in it for a while as have my other tanks established already, and of course I will do some regular testing (reminds me I'm running low on my ammonia and nitrite tests) so happy to wait.
As for the water changes, i should probably give more thought to how I will do the changes, I do have a pump which I use for pumping water back into tanks currently (my poor back before this). I could probably use this to pump water directly to the back garden grass or drain with a bit of Macgyvering. Getting water back into the tank is certainly something I will give lot of thought over the next couple weeks. My tank wont be far away from my kitchen sink, so fingers crossed should be an easy fix.
One of my other tanks I have been using to grow out amano shrimp so was planning on migrating those to the new tank eventually, might even consider putting in my Arican Giant Shrimp into the tank, although I know they prefer slightly quieter tanks. As for snails I do have some in my other tanks, and the ramshorn keep laying eggs but I don't actually seem to see babies hanging around, so likely I will just have to buy more. I won't be putting cherry shrimp in there as eventually will be looking to stock electric blue acaras and don't think cherry's will stand much of a chance, but I have a tank for cherry shrimp breeding, so maybe i will test it some time (unlikely as I don't want to be cruel sending something to potentially die).
Regarding the aquasoil and root tabs, does anyone have any recomendations for good ones? I have used root tabs in my other tanks, but I see there are very reasonably priced ones on eBay, are they also fine? As for aquasoil I don't have any experience so all recommendations welcome. Does anyone have any tips for creating the barriers to stop the aquasoil drifting? Do I just smash up some of the rocks and place in a barrier way or have to place full rocks strategically to hold it back?
As for the plants, I am going to go for a central/south american tank, so will be aiming for plants from those areas. Am going to make a separate post for that closer to the time I set up the tank, as the plant database only has a small number of the total plants from these places. But I will definitely aim to get some fast growers to begin with as I have a separate tank where i store plants I am going to use in future (although currently empty sadly), so have a bit of flexibility. I have quite a big budget for plants as I know how many it takes, I would pull some out of the other tanks I have but I have pest snails that are under control in the tanks they are in, but don't want to start that all over in my new tank if I can avoid it.
Sorry for the long message, and thanks again to all those who reply!