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Upgrading filter media in my Fluval 307

4 Sep 2023
Hi all,

Having read the previous threads on this forum, I am thinking of replacing the filter media in my fluval 307 to increase its efficiency. Currently it is split between foam on one end and seachem matrix + filter floss in the baskets.

From what I have read, I should use K1 media in the baskets (fluval has three baskets) to create a fluidised bed of K1 media, is that right? What should I use in the other section where Fluval places foam in it? 30PPi foam?

Appreciate hearing all your thoughts on this.
I don’t think you’ll get a bed of fluidised K1 inside of a filter, so probably just best to use 30ppi all the way.

However the foam will have to be cut to fit exactly into the basket so that the water flow is forced through it, am I right?
Something similar to K1 comes standard with the Oase Biomaster filters. It works fine as a static media in the filter, in my experience.
That being said, I don't think there is any difference at all in biomedia - except maybe for how many years it lasts, and how much debris it might trap.