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upgrade to juwel internal filter powerhead

Just my update on this. I replaced the impellor with the 1000 and it makes a big difference. I can't say whether it's as much difference as replacing the whole pump but I'm pleased with the result. I've added a Koralia Nano too, but even without that the new impellor was moving the plants in the troublesome corner in front of the filter box, which the old one wasn't doing.

I have also just changed my impellor to the 1000 type.

And confirm an immediate difference. All plants move gently in the tank. Fish and Amanos took a while to get used to it. But all OK now. And since replacing the impellor the tank remains almost crystal clear all week i.e. less maintenance.

Also since dosing ferts since then plant growth has exploded.

Really happy 😀.

Thanks for the advice