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Update on the ADA no CO2 046L Zebra pleco 60p tank


Tank is pretty easy to care for, I use a sponge prefilter on a Rena 3 that gets cleaned about once every 3 months. I'll pick off dead leaves, but it's easy since they grow out of the water, easy to get too, moss acts as the water conduit for higher growing plants.

There is a lot more Anubias than you can see.
I'm letting the pennywort and Water sprite take over a bit more.

The roots and the shoot of the water sprite are both trimmed, not just the leaves/stem/shoot.

Tom Barr
One of the goals will be to remove the water sprite after the penny wort grows in a bit, the pennywort is doing real well and starting to cascade and flower. These two plants compete for N strongly. the tank is more N limiting than any other nutrient.

I do this to minimize NH4 from the feeding of the fish.
The pennywort is easier to manage than water sprite in general.

The only trick I use is just plain old cotton black thread or mossed braches entanglign the roots to get things to sit right.
Once attached, they do very well.

I do plan on removing the bamboo and add drilled hollow Manzy branches, but few are the right size and then straight 😳

But I've been busy.......


This is right here in Sac and will be in a Bar with a sexy dressed mermaid that will get in and swim by every so often.

Pretty cool.

Tom Barr
Krish's Bettas said:
Is that a tank :shock: If it is I want one :lol:

its a panzer in disguise...

seriously, thats a beast, maybe stock it with piranha's, that will keep the mermaid swimming and earn her pence.
plantbrain said:
This is right here in Sac and will be in a Bar with a sexy dressed mermaid that will get in and swim by every so often.

Awesome project.

Dont forget that shot when its finished 😀
Such a nice looking tank, I'm really growing to like these almost minimalist white gravel scapes.
New pics, the tank is evolving still, the wood in the lower part will change a little and the moss and anubias will grow in more on top.



I have not added fish yet, the zebras just where too boring for the tank.
Not sure what yet though.

Tom Barr
There are several fish I've considered, but am leaning towards galaxy rasboras.
I have trouble and spend a lot of time thinking about what is the best trade off scenario for the livestock 😳

Tom Barr
plantbrain said:
There are several fish I've considered, but am leaning towards galaxy rasboras.
I have trouble and spend a lot of time thinking about what is the best trade off scenario for the livestock 😳

Tom Barr

Well you can guess what I would suggest... Rainbows! 😀
Galaxies would be nice. If they do hide too much get offspring's from them and raise separately. My are always in front of glass unlike their parents.
I have a pack of Botia sidthuimunki I am mulling over what to do with, they would be seen at least and are quite playful.

I'm moving to a reef tank and a Tropheus tank, so I'm cutting the no# of FW planted systems down somewhat.

I might do a rainbow tank for the 120gal ADa like, which is also going to be redone.

I have Congos for 2 clients............so the West African theme is done, had them for 4-5 years etc.

Time to move on.