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Unzan Stone UK?

I had some progress with splitting my chunk of lava rock today went back to the hammer method AND ( health and safety close eyes :lol:) an old meat cleaver, this is what I've come up with so far,

If it progresses further ill surely stick up another journal :) could still do with some carving/ shaping but so far so good.
That looks great to me Tim. Haha i think you should wear a hard hat, hi vis jacket and chainmail gloves next time - just to keep the health and safety nuts at bay!

I do think with a little more sculpting it would look brilliant, especially if you had some HC or moss creeping over the rocks. Cant wait to see more.
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Ha ha thanks Adam, I have to be honest it hurt my bloody shoulder cutting through it all, I tried a chisel not good, hammer on its own turns to dust, hacksaw worked ok but too clean and time consuming, jigsaw various blades all now blunt lol strangely enough my old meat cleaver now feels sharper after chopping this up :) if this ever does get planted I have an idea to try ( big ask) and rip off amanos sumida grasslands aquarium ish type scape keeping the scale with planting will be hard but plenty of mosses dwarf riccia etc may pull it off :)
I had some progress with splitting my chunk of lava rock today went back to the hammer method AND ( health and safety close eyes :lol:) an old meat cleaver, this is what I've come up with so far,

If it progresses further ill surely stick up another journal :) could still do with some carving/ shaping but so far so good.

Looks great Tim, works really well with the dark substrate. I particularly like the centre stack :thumbup:
Need to journal it :D
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Where can you get big chunks of lava rock like that ??

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Looks great Tim, works really well with the dark substrate. I particularly like the centre stack :thumbup:
Need to journal it :D
Thanks ady needs a lot of tweaking and a few more things collecting before it is journal worthy ;)
Where can you get big chunks of lava rock like that ??

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Hi Sam, these are only small biggest piece about 12cm high I found a large piece in lfs which I chopped up.