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28 Sep 2011
Hello there everyone

After having one of my many stares into my fish tank, i noticed a very small grey "worm" in the grass. I read it could be because of uneaten food maybe planaria worms? I only feed once daily and that is small amounts.

Tank inhabitants:

3 Neon tetra
14 Cherry Shrimp
2 Amano Shrimp
1 Oto

I try to vacuum without disturbing the grass and my shrimp eat what the tetra don't.
I have tetraplant complete substrate in there. The tank is about 4months old if that helps.
Hi all,
Probably Planaria, they get every where. If you try a prawn, put in at night in a fine mesh net, you will probably find you have quite a few of them. I usually thin them out a bit every few months, but otherwise ignore them. I usually find I have some leeches as well.

They are carnivorous, and will eat fish eggs, but don't cause too many other problems.

cheers Darrel
I don't like the thought of having worms in my tank. I hope my shrimp do a job of eating them. I'll keep a eye on the situation.

Only saw one though.. for now.. but i did see lots of baby shrimp lol highlight 🙂