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Unhappy with plants - open to suggestions

The frogbit I ordered was sadly DOA - my first disappointing experience with a Tropica product. Seller kindly agreed to replace it, so I hope to get that in soon. I put a couple of the healthyish plants in as a little test, and found that they were getting stuck along the edge of the tank due to the filter flow.
If you ever need any more frogbit I’ve almost always got excess -and when there is enough of it the filter flow won’t be enough to swirl it round the tank since there is no room 🙂
It might take a while to settle in but once it puts some solid roots down you should see some good growth. Mine took about 4 weeks before anything noticeable happened and now the leaves are about 800mm long. Adding a root tab to the substrate near the plant will help, especially if you're lightly water colum dosing.
Great, thanks! I did put down a root tab, so fingers crossed it takes off.

If you ever need any more frogbit I’ve almost always got excess -and when there is enough of it the filter flow won’t be enough to swirl it round the tank since there is no room 🙂
Thank you so much! The seller is shipping me another pot this week, but if I have problems again I may take you up on the kind offer 🙂
In my kids tank they took 3 weeks to reach the surface with the first leaf. No fert 9r co2 and didnt have root tabs first weeks either. The plants were a bit bigger then yours but give it a week or 4.
Great, thanks! I did put down a root tab, so fingers crossed it takes off.

Thank you so much! The seller is shipping me another pot this week, but if I have problems again I may take you up on the kind offer 🙂
Where did you buy your Frogbit from?
Agree with the other guys, crypts and Echinodorus all the way for me too.

@Nautilus143 I'd go with Crypt Crispatula var. balansae (Tropica) in the corner(s) as @Wolf6 suggests and let it trail across the surface. I'd get rid of the S Repens and replace with lower level crypts too, Tropica have a very nice Cryptocoryne Undulatus 'Red' in their 1-2 Grow pot range, which is good value as you get numerous plantlets in one pot - I got one recently and got about 6 separate plantlets out of it, and could likely have split them a little further too. That and maybe some Crypt Becketii Petchii (Tropica) will give you some nice contrasting shades.

To add a splash of colour check out Echinodirus Ozelot Red (Tropica confusingly refer to the red variant as just Ozelot, and the green version as Ozelot 'Green') to replace the water sprite, and maybe Echinodorus Purpurea which is beautifully coloured Echinodorus that stays smaller than most (ignore the Aqua Essentials image, its much more colourful in person than that), and would fit nicely in the middle between your rocks.

If you go this route, budget for some decent roots tabs to add before the plants (I like the Seachem ones), as they are all heavier root feeders.

Agree with the other guys, crypts and Echinodorus all the way for me too.

@Nautilus143 I'd go with Crypt Crispatula var. balansae (Tropica) in the corner(s) as @Wolf6 suggests and let it trail across the surface. I'd get rid of the S Repens and replace with lower level crypts too, Tropica have a very nice Cryptocoryne Undulatus 'Red' in their 1-2 Grow pot range, which is good value as you get numerous plantlets in one pot - I got one recently and got about 6 separate plantlets out of it, and could likely have split them a little further too. That and maybe some Crypt Becketii Petchii (Tropica) will give you some nice contrasting shades.

To add a splash of colour check out Echinodirus Ozelot Red (Tropica confusingly refer to the red variant as just Ozelot, and the green version as Ozelot 'Green') to replace the water sprite, and maybe Echinodorus Purpurea which is beautifully coloured Echinodorus that stays smaller than most (ignore the Aqua Essentials image, its much more colourful in person than that), and would fit nicely in the middle between your rocks.

If you go this route, budget for some decent roots tabs to add before the plants (I like the Seachem ones), as they are all heavier root feeders.
Thanks for clearing that up about Ozelot red. Bit confusing when searching for it.
Nice one! Purpurea is really nice. The leaves look like they lay quite flat when you receive the pot, but they eventually go more upright towards the light - you can just see mine at the back here - the leaves have amazing marbled colouration:

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Will this sword plant grow in very low light conditions ? This is my aquarium. Its going to be rescaped but still be covered in floating plants like this as it's a priority.IMG_20210813_195042.jpgIMG_20210813_195042.jpg