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underwater rotala rotundifolia

Mark Evans

13 Jun 2008
newark notts.
Here's a solitary shot of rotala rotundifolia from my Nano.

hope you guys like it.

LondonDragon said:
, do you blow away the background with the camera settings or you photoshop it afterwards?

for this, it was in camera. I created a pin light effect...correct term i think?.....shielding the light so it fell straight on the stem.

The flash head is 200w out put but only used half of that out put.

Thanks paulo :D
LondonDragon said:
I assume you used a very high f number for these?

if I recall, F8. iso 50 shutter was 1/200th. These are typical settings, with this lens. I just play about with the output of the flash.

no worries with questions mate :thumbup:
saintly said:
if I recall, F8. iso 50 shutter was 1/200th. These are typical settings, with this lens. I just play about with the output of the flash.
Interesting, usually I can only get these effects with my macro lens with I go up to F29-32.