I have took on board the information but I just am not coming across a lamp which is automatic in the sense it will reduce intensity at a certain time every day then power off before starting up again the following day.
It not in the lamp, it's how you controll it.. 🙂
🙂 It's a 4 channel PWM controller with a wifi module.. There also is an equal Wifi controller around with 5 channels.. Depending on how much light you need or want, the nowadays top noch 12/24 volt SMD strips could be sufficient.. These controllers are designed to control smd of the shelf..
But with some nifty thinking and some diy these devices can be used to dim other drivers or lightsources as well.
It's a bit complicated to explain.. Lamps need drivers, drivers can be controllable than you need controllers.. The above thing is only the (remotely programable wifi) controller.
It all is still in the cradle.. Babies make a lot of small steps the first year and grow fast and the steps they make get bigger by the day.. who knows whats around a year from now.. A year ago this controller wasn't yet made, at least not with the wifi module and remote control app.