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Ultimate unusual planted tank fish

I agree with ed that Nothos dont suit a community tank but other Killifish do work well.
I have Aphyosemion rectogoense in my 400l and the males show off really well. They are mid to upper water swimmers (nothos would keep on the bottom) and can be trained to eat dry food although I mainly feed live or frozen.
Not something you are likely to see in your LFS though 🙁

I saw those in there recently, they were labled up as golden yellow panchax though. Very pretty fish.

There's so many killi's there's bound to be something out there.

Checkerboard cichlid -Dicrossus filamentosus
Here are a few i would recommend:

Wood Cats
Black Line Goby
Indo Rock Goby
Indian Glass Fish
Bagrid Cats
African Glass Cats
Clown Killies
Pygmy Platties
Celebes Halfbeaks
Needle Nose Rocket Gar
Hockey Stick Pencil Fish - Always Remind me of Sea Horses, the way they flitter around.
Blue/Albino Paradise Fish
Glass Gobies
just to name a few
Wow! Quiet the list, Gill.
I looked into the hockey sticks, they're really pretty fish those!
I saw some very very pretty yellow and red finned rivine loaches in pets at home but no one in the place knew a scientific name and they were labled as clown loaches. 🙄