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UKAPS, transparency and the future.

These are all good points folk have raised. And yes the forum definitely needs to move on. But it should have done so already weeks ago. @Onoma1 is right, if there had been full and rapid financial transparency we wouldn’t still be here discussing it. And I’ve a feeling this will continue to haunt the forum indefinitely if that doesn’t happen.

It’s really a question of trust, credibility, and confidence. There is no reason whatsoever not to have had, by now, legitimate professionally audited accounts going back 7 years. If there is nothing to hide, what’s the problem?

At some point UKPS is going to run out of money. Few folk, if any, will take a forum with an unresolved financial history seriously. Doesn’t matter if it changes governance and there is clear blue water between old and new. And especially if the same people are involved in setting it up. I would have especially thought that it’s in the interests of the few members that had direct contact with Dan to set the record straight once and for all. If only to prove all was above board for their own sake and peace of mind.

Future investors, both member donators and corporate sponsors are going to want to see evidence of responsible fiscal behaviour and governance. So far I’m not seeing that much, and some behaviours leave a lot to be desired. Not least telling members they can request for their account to be deleted if they disagree with the official narrative. And deleting or banning decenting voices, especially if their concerns are legitimate. Not a good start to to a “true” membership society.

What you’ve also got to consider here is that many of the members posting on this thread are perhaps among the more confident and vociferous of us. There are other members, perhaps the silent majority, that have no voice here and are quietly concerned too. Please let’s not forget them. Ultimately how the forum moves forward is up to you all.
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Wow! Just Wow! I'll have to catch up with what's been happening I guess as I've been away for some time. To throw a suggestion out there, could the site be set up as a non-profit charity, with any funds outside of running costs be donated to ecological projects?
@LondonDragon, yeah, I've been considering helping, but I am trying to get a better idea what I'd be walking into. And I'm not trying to give anyone left in the game grief, least of all you. But communication has not been great and I don't think it's out of line to look for clarity about what is going on.

Iain laid out the objectives, but not the actions towards the long term. Maybe the answer is not much because it isn't clear there's enough manpower.

I have barely participated in these discussions because there seemed to be too many cooks and the staff really, really wanted the users to stay out of it. But now there aren't enough cooks...

Few folk, if any, will take a forum with an unresolved financial history seriously. Doesn’t matter if it changes governance and there is clear blue water between old and new. And especially if the same people are involved in setting it up. I would have especially thought that it’s in the interests of the few members that had direct contact with Dan to set the record straight once and for all. If only to prove all was above board for their own sake and peace of mind.
I'm not sure this is true. I think a lot of people just want UKAPS to continue and as long as it does, then it's money well spent. Obviously that's not going to be enough for everyone and I understand the reasons for that, but as a practical matter nobody saw any financial information for years and it wasn't a problem.
What you’ve also got to consider here is that many of the members posting on this thread are perhaps among the more confident and vociferous of us. There are other members, perhaps the silent majority, that have no voice here and are quietly concerned too. Please let’s not forget them. Ultimately how the forum moves forward is up to you all.
I do know for a fact this is true, unfortunately. I don't know if it's the majority, but there's definitely people who might be inclined to be involved but have found the whole thing very alienating and are choosing to step away.
Dear Members
Please be mindful that the UKaps is running on very few staff/mods at this particular time.
The few mods available with Paulo's assistance are trying to keep the site running smoothly.

Please refrain from re-posting past issues that go over old ground, as we try to move forward, I know it will be difficult for some but it is not helping the situation.