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UKAPS Secret Santa 2009!

Dear Santa...

Oh, I forgot the time was up on this; was distracted with the contest 🙂 Rawr, how's it going?
Well basically.. I totally forgot about this! So add your name to the list and I'll get everything sorted this weekend.
Hi everyone,

Thomas is pretty busy at the moment, so I've volunteered/been asked to help out. I'll be PMing all of you shortly to sort out your wish lists and details. If you've signed up and don't receive a PM by the end of the day, just let me know. I have a cold, so the old brain is not functioning at prime 😛 (<I've looked like that all day, actually).

EDIT: DONE! You should all have a PM waiting for you. Let me know if you have questions or don't have a PM 🙂
Ok, you have all been given partners. Whoo, that was harder than I thought. I checked out your journals and stuff to best match you (over the top 😛 ). Just call me E-harmony, lol.

If you have any questions at all, just PM me (unless it'd benefit others without giving away who's santa for whom!)

As promised in my PMs, here is some information on shipping rates and times for Royal Mail. You were given a shipping date of the 15th to aim for.

The last days to ship in the UK before Christmas are as follows:
" * 1st Class - 21st December
* 2nd Class - 18th December
* Special Delivery - 23rd December
* Standard Parcels - 15th December

...Extra deliveries: In the week leading up to Christmas, we'll be delivering in the evenings and on Sunday the 20th.

Later opening hours: If you're out when we try to deliver, we've made it easier to collect your post from your local Enquiry Office, which will be open later from 14th December. The opening hours will be on your 'sorry you were out' card."
Taken from here.

First Class rates can be seen here.

Second Class Rates here.

Standard Parcel Service here.

Special Delivery by 9am

Special Delivery Next Day
Hi guys, just wanted to say a massive thanks to Leah for taking over from me. I just seem too busy with school, applying fo university, work and a million other things to even think about doing this! :lol: I'm sure Leah willl make sure everything runs smoothly, so enjoy and thanks again to Leah!
Thanks, Thomas! Since I've helped organise, I know who my Santa is. At least it's half a surprise 😛

By the way, if anyone needs help with gift ideas or more clarification on your partner's list, let me know and I'll get any info you need from your partner.
Today is the goal date for shipping out. Please PM if you have shipped. I'm going to start making a list of people who have received to be sure no one is left out 🙂 Also, post here or PM me when you do receive.
Please review the Royal Mail shipping deadlines above.

If anyone feels like posting pics of their loot, feel free to do so 😛

paul.in.kendal - received
YAY! I got mine today! Thank you Santy Claus 😀 I got some windelov fern and crypt plantlets and root tabs! Just what I needed 🙂

aquaticmaniac - received
paul.in.kendal - received
Sweet! Nice stuff people are getting 🙂

aaronnorth - received
aquaticmaniac - received
Themuleous - received
paul.in.kendal - received
Gill said:
recieved, won't open till crimbo day 🙂
You better hope it's not got plants in it then!