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UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

Here's all mine. even the crap early ones 🙂

Title - Icarus Ville (2009)
Dimensions - 60x36x36cm
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/icarus-ville-60cm-shrimp-tank-scape.6393/

3594171868_fd47206571_o.jpgMy 60cm Red Cherry Shrimp Planted Iwagumi Aquarium - 4/6/2009 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - None - 2008
Dimensions - Rio 125
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/stus-rio-125-re-plant-journal.3069/

3329806738_474183ba46_o.jpgPlanted Aquarium Update - 5/3/2009 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - Llyn Peninsula - IAPLC 2010 - Rank 544
Dimensions - 90x45x45cm
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/90x45x45-llyn-peninsula.8448/

4885824773_6d4808b948_o.jpg90x45x45cm ADA Entry 2010 - Placed #544 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - Unknown Valley - IAPLC 2011 - Rank 557
Dimensions - 90x45x45cm
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/90x45x45cm-2011-iaplc-entry-577-the-unknown-valley.13766/

5986063180_050e861503_o.jpgThe Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #557 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - Apala Shore- IAPLC 2011 - Rank 114
Dimensions - 90x45x45cm
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/stus-90x45x45cm-tropica-tank.26221/

8132518263_3f07a5650b_o.jpgIAPLC 2012 Entry - Apalala Shore - World Ranking #114 / AGA 2012 #3 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - Wave Island- IAPLC 2013 - Rank 82
Dimensions - 90x45x45cm
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/stus-90x45x45cm-wave-island-iaplc-2013-rank-82.26221/

9478835244_57e1466491_o.jpgwave Island - IAPLC 2013 - World Ranking 82 by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

Title - No Name - 2013
Dimensions - ADA Mini-m
Journal - http://ukaps.org/forum/threads/stus-ada-mini-m-nano-seiryu-scape.23953/

8371868369_1c68294122_o.jpgADA Mini M Nano Tank front by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr
Here are mine, from old to new..

Barb Island - IAPLC #380
Journal in signature
9508930637_40c406135e_c.jpgbarb island iaplc 380 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

Sensations of Red
Journal in signature
11714172953_4d6757009d_z.jpgsensations of red by iain sutherland, on Flickr

The wood Pile
Journal in signature
14131102282_08f7db58fd_z.jpgIMG_4345 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

Asian Dreams IAPLC #251
Journal in signature
17345680079_85debf72c3_c.jpg14933374661_9c6046e321_b by iain sutherland, on Flickr

Lakeland Wraith - sadly never finished.
14637265666_5cf0a8221d_c.jpgIMG_4740 by iain sutherland, on Flickr

An out of date one of the ongoing Taiwan Bee Nanos
both 40x30x30
Journal in signature
12684454983_287652ce5f_c.jpgtwins by iain sutherland, on Flickr