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UKAPS Hardscape Challenge 2016 - How to Enter

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
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The UKAPS Hardscape Challenge is an exciting head-to-head live competition that allows aquascapers to compete using a dry layout consisting of hardscape materials and substrate.

10 entrants are selected from UKAPS Members through a qualification round.

The UKAPS Hardscape Challenge will be held at the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience, Saturday 5th March 2016, at the iCon Environmental Innovation Centre, Eastern Way, Daventry, NN11 0QB. http://www.icon-innovation.co.uk/

More details here - http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/announcing-the-ukaps-aquascaping-experience-2016.39443/

  • Entrants consist of 10 pre-selected UKAPS Members from a qualification round (see below how to enter)
  • 10 top-spec open top 60x45x30H cm aquariums
  • Huge hardscape selection at event. Competitors are also allowed to bring their own hardscape
  • Substrate provided. Competitors are also allowed to bring their own substrate.
  • The 10 entrants are all given a maximum of four hours to create a dry hardscape-only layout using the materials provided or their own
  • The contest starts at 11am at finishes at 3pm. Results will be announced at 4pm.
  • Entrants are able to finish whenever they feel ready, but the contest closes at 3pm

1st Place - £600
2nd Place - £250
3rd Place - £100
4th Place - £50


How to Enter

Email a jpeg image of your own hardscape layout to admin@ukaps.org by 1200GMT, February 20th 2016.

Please provide the following information with your entry image:

UKAPS nickname:
Tank Size:
Contact email:

  • It can be a current layout or one from a previous work
  • One entry per person
  • It must be hardscape-only and not an aquascape with plants and water
  • It must be your own work
  • High-resolution images are preferable but this is not a photo contest
  • Entries must be submitted by 1200GMT, 20th February 2016
  • If you enter you MUST be able to attend the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience on Saturday 5th March 2016
  • Overseas entrants are welcome but they must be able to fund their own travel and accommodation
  • We politely request that your submission image is not deliberately made public until after the announcement

Judging of the qualification-stage hardscape layouts will be completed by UKAPS Founders, Dan Crawford and George Farmer.

The Hardscape Challenge layouts at the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience will be judged by the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience Committee - Dan Crawford, George Farmer, Paulo Leal, Antoni Dimitrov, Stu Worrall and Eduard Gercog.

Special Guest Judges - Jeremy Gay (Evolution Aqua and previous IAPLC judge) and Nathan Hill (PFK Features Editor).


The 10 finalists that will compete LIVE at the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience will be announced on 23rd February 2016.

Works will be published online of the 10 finalists after 23rd February 2016.

[RSVP=39441]Click here to RSVP[/RSVP]
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Hi, I have couple questions. What size of tank do we have to enter to qualify? Does it have to be reamless and open top and same size to the one at competition? Does it have to be iwagumi style or can it be combination of wood and rock?
Hi, I have couple questions. What size of tank do we have to enter to qualify? Does it have to be reamless and open top and same size to the one at competition? Does it have to be iwagumi style or can it be combination of wood and rock?
No tank size limit, and can be any type of hardscape, rocks or wood or combination of both. Cheers
Hi guys. Let me clarify.

You submit a current or previous hardscape layout to admin@ukaps.org before 20 Feb 16.

The Top 10 will be selected for the UKAPS Aquascaping Experience. www.ukaps.org.ae

Then you will have a new tank to 'scape in (60x45x30H cm) at the Aquascaping Experience.

There will be loads of decent hardscape material (wood, rocks, and substrate) to select. Or you can bring your own.

You will have a maximum of 4 hours to at the event to create your layout.

The layouts will be judged by our premier judging panel (details released soon).

Winner gets £600
2nd place - £250
3rd place - £100
4th place - £50

Other prizes will be awarded too. TBC.
Hi George, Sorry 😕 When you do the qualification round scape.And you are one of the ten picked Can you recreate this in the comp scape or does it have to be a new scape ?? Or as LondonDragon says you could lose points for recreating the same scape ???
Having participated in a similar event, I would say that originality of the work is always a "must" when goes to score. Otherwise people would limit themselves to copy existing works and that is not the point of this kind of contest. But this is just my opinion. Let´s allow to the organization explain it. 😉
Having participated in a similar event, I would say that originality of the work is always a "must" when goes to score. Otherwise people would limit themselves to copy existing works and that is not the point of this kind of contest. But this is just my opinion. Let´s allow to the organization explain it. 😉

Hi My Wife FB George 🙂 You can recreate the qualification round scape on the day no points will be deducted.

I understand where you are coming from with originality. I am new to Aquascaping 2 years I may tweak the scape on the day. This is a steep learning curve for me and to create a scape out of my head in 4 hours :lol: its taken me 5 days just thinking about it and laying out the hardscape that I have to hand. and I am still not sure :crazy:

Anyway I have to get picked yet :nailbiting::nailbiting: We will see. It will still be the best day out this year though

See you all there :thumbup: