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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.

Ukaps downtime - 11pm tonight

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Iain Sutherland

Global Moderator
7 Jul 2011
Good evening folks,

Thank you for all the input thus far, there is much to consider but the remaining three moderators cannot make these decisions alone.

This whole subject has been running hot and the mod team need a rest and reset, it's exhausting! Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover both for Admin and moderating. As such from 11pm tonight the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th.

We suggest that any members that truly wish for ukaps to be around in the future use this time to decide how much you want it to be around. Are you are willing to put yourselves out, giving up your free time, as the rest of the Ukaps team have done over the last couple of decades, to save it.
During the down time private messages remain possible, so if you want to help then drop me a message titled Happy to Help.

Equally for those that are driving division, we would ask that pitchforksf are put down and the only focus becomes that of trying to help get the forum running normally again or step back while others do so.

We hope when the forum is 'turned back on' the mood is more of the a colaberative nature, pulling together and seeing if we can get back to scaping.

Thank you
The Mod Team 🙏
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