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UG iwagumi

Well no sign of melt yet🤞 Non of the clumps dislodged from the soil which is good planted it deep enough.

Running weekaqua S series pro at 50% for 7 hours will increase 5% weekly, dosed 2ml of TNC complete, pressurised co2 dropchecker yellow-ish green

If anyone have tips please pass them on !!


Update on the 45p, UG has survived and kind of thriving, I had to add some fast growing stems in the back to absorb some nutrients .

i am not cleaning the rocks on purpose. The purpose is that I have become lazy 😆

Having some BBA on the rocks and UG but i think it will pass , also added some MC and cuba to mix it up and I got impatient of looking at a scraggly tank.

cherry shrimps population has exploded in this tank , might have to give some away

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