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two weeks vacation, nobody to dose EI or change water

Glad everything worked out. The minimal damage you have there will rectify in no time once you get back into the usual routine.

I think a lot of the time we all fuss a bit too much about ferts. Stable co2 is far more important but once it's set right you can pretty much leave it alone. When dosing EI I would say that most of us mere mortals are dosing far too much anyway. We often need reminding that EI is a max value not a bare minimum.

Well said and thanks again for your valuable input before trip. Appreciate it.🙂

Welcome back

Hi Itasi. Thanks for the welcome.🙂
Well said and thanks again for your valuable input before trip. Appreciate it.
No problem, I was talking from experience. My tank isn't the brightest lit however it is medium lighting. I have on occasion had to leave my tank for a while due to work commitments and was surprised how little it affects the plants. When I am about I maintain my tank religiously. That's probably the reason why you can get away with it. EI dosing and good co2 is spoiling the plants. If you're away the plants just need to rough it for a while 🙂 Thing is with ferts if there are any available the plants won't turn up their nose because it's not what they are used to, they will just feed of it as normal. Only when they have nothing will problems occur and they will start using what they have built up in reserves.
Dosing EI, generally speaking, unless you have full sunlight glaring on the tank means there's too much in there to start with and the plants have reserves. As you have noted 21 days later they were probably just starting to dig in to them.