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Tropical Bay

Hi Luis

This is awesome mate... I've been reading the journal again from the beginning trying to learn things. Let me ask you some questions:

1. did you noticed the difference between the VIV and Do!Aqua diffuser... I'm asking this because I recently purchased for my nano tank an Elos10 CO2 diffuser. Not cheap, I have too admit that I was quite reluctant to spend my money on this gadget but I recognize there is a huge difference compared with my previous cheap eBay diffuser. What about the VIV ones?

2. What's the sand you're using? I'm planning a new layout and I would like to use only sand/fine gravel (capping a nutritive substrate). I'm looking for something having this color or maybe more greyish but easy maintenance. I had once JBL Sansibar White and I had to change it every two months to look nice (and much too white, quite artificial IMO)

Thank you!
Hi Luis

This is awesome mate... I've been reading the journal again from the beginning trying to learn things. Let me ask you some questions:

1. did you noticed the difference between the VIV and Do!Aqua diffuser... I'm asking this because I recently purchased for my nano tank an Elos10 CO2 diffuser. Not cheap, I have too admit that I was quite reluctant to spend my money on this gadget but I recognize there is a huge difference compared with my previous cheap eBay diffuser. What about the VIV ones?

2. What's the sand you're using? I'm planning a new layout and I would like to use only sand/fine gravel (capping a nutritive substrate). I'm looking for something having this color or maybe more greyish but easy maintenance. I had once JBL Sansibar White and I had to change it every two months to look nice (and much too white, quite artificial IMO)

Thank you!
The VIV difuser is very good but ADA is ADA, you get best difusion with the Do!Aqua.
The sand used on this is the ADA La Planta Sand. I have done just onde repostion of 1l of sand on this months.